Case Study: High-Quality Relocation Services for International Hotel Chain

Overview of Services
- Final Mile Delivery
- FF&E and OS&E Installation
- Warehousing
Our Role
Armstrong Relocation – Huntsville partnered with an upscale, international hotel chain to provide local relocation services during the property’s renovations. Armstrong’s team provided warehousing, delivery and FF&E and OS&E installation services for the location over the course of four months, as renovations began and were completed.
Project Challenges
The hotel was undergoing extensive renovations over the course of a year that required a relocation partner who could receive and store inventory, as well as work within a flexible timeline, as construction plans were unpredictable. It was critical for the client to be able to continue operations on fully renovated floors of the hotel, as they were made ready, and for Armstrong to meet the client’s fulfillment needs as quickly and efficiently as possible.
At the beginning of the project, the hotel arranged for all new furniture and other hotel room assets to be delivered directly to the Armstrong’s Huntsville warehouse. These deliveries consisted of beds, electronics, art and other furnishings that were grouped and kitted so that each room could be decorated and furnished in an efficient manner. These items required roughly 25,000 sq. ft. of storage space. By keeping in close contact with the construction team, Armstrong was able to quickly collect the items as needed and deliver them on a just-in-time basis. Armstrong’s team was also able to report to the hotel if any items were shipped to the warehouse damaged and facilitate accepting replacement deliveries.
Client Values & Results
With nearly 20 Armstrong team members on site throughout the entire project, Armstrong was able to provide the client with more than enough manpower to keep the project on track. Both hotel executives and the construction team expressed that they could not have kept the project on-time and within scope without the help of Armstrong Relocation – Huntsville.
Additionally, when the client requested various jobs outside of what was originally agreed upon, Armstrong was able to comply and completed additional tasks without issue. Manpower, warehousing, carefully scheduled deliveries, and constant communication are just some of the industry-leading values Armstrong brought to this project and continuously brings to the table for all clients.
High-Quality Capabilities
With over 2.9 million sq. ft. of U.S. domestic, company-owned warehouse space, Armstrong Commercial Services is able to provide national FF&E and OS&E warehousing, delivery and installation services, as well as sustainable liquidation and debris removal services to hospitality chains in Alabama and across the nation.