COVID-19 Response & Business Continuity Plan

Since the beginning of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, Armstrong Relocation & Companies has prioritized ensuring a safe move during the COVID-19 pandemic by extending care to minimize risks for our employees, clients, customers, and service partners. The safety of everyone we work with remains our top priority, and we are committed to building trust and easing stress in our daily interactions. This has commanded a variety of actions that we continue to carry forward:
- Encouraging team members to take proactive steps to limit exposure and spread of any illness
- Advising employees, contractors and crew members with symptoms or known exposure to stay home
- Enabling employees to work from home, as prudent
- Asking additional questions of customers regarding COVID-19 diagnosis or exposure prior to any in-home service delivery
- Advocating virtual move surveys to minimize in-person interactions
As we continue to monitor and adhere to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, as well as federal, state and local laws within each of our markets, we will equip all customers and team members with the most up-to-date course of action. We are prepared to further activate our business continuity plan by leveraging the resources within our network across our U.S. footprint as necessitated.