
Five Things To Do When Moving with Pets

As a human, you know that moving can be stressful no matter how big or small the changes. For your four-legged family, this transition is even harder and more confusing. Moving down the street can feel like moving halfway around the world when it comes to a change of habitat. Regardless of the size or distance of your move, there will be some adjustments for your pets, but there are some things you can do to make the transition easier! Below are our five tips for a pet-friendly relocation.

1. Pack a “pet box”

Moving can be a messy business, even with the most organized approach. You want your family and your pets to feel as settled as possible, as soon as possible. Packing a box of pet essentials for the first week of your move can help give your furry family a sense of familiarity and save you the headache of scrambling through boxes to find dog food or cat litter.

What to put in your pet essentials box:

  • Day-to-day food
  • Litter box
  • Quick treats (to entice them to explore their new space or reward good behavior)
  • Leashes
  • Bedding
  • Medications (especially those prescribed for anxiety)
  • Bottled water
  • Feeding dishes
  • A favorite toy

2. Keep stress low

When packing for your move try to take into consideration how disturbing your pet’s living environment too early may affect their anxiety and behavior. If possible, pack your pet’s bedding, toys and other special items last. Any items that make your pets feel more at home should be some of the first things to make their way into your new home. Your Armstrong Relocation – Dallas team will take these special measures for your pets into consideration and gladly prioritize getting these things settled into your home.

Tip: Your animals experience an unusual level of stress when moving, which can make them have the urge to relieve themselves more often than normal. Try sticking to a small amount of food or water the day of the move until they’re in their new space to avoid the added stress of “holding” it.

3. Keep them at bay on move day

On the day the moving truck arrives, one of the best things you can do for your dog or cat is to keep them away from the entire ordeal. This also helps mitigate the possibility of anyone accidentally opening a door they aren’t supposed to and your pet escaping. Cats especially need to be either crated or kept behind closed doors to avoid the anxiety of moving that may make them want to bolt or cause a large amount of stress. You can also consider the following:

Daycare boarding: These establishments not only offer daily boarding, but grooming services for cats and dogs. This can also be an opportunity for social dogs to interact with friends for the entire day! Your dog can be introduced to their new home bathed, groomed, and properly exhausted from the fun of playing with other dogs to immediately want to rest and your cat can come home clean and ready to take another nap.

Veterinary boarding: Maybe your cat or dog needs to be brought up to speed on their shots or get a check-up? Most veterinary clinics offer to board and can make sure your pets are healthy and ready to get adjusted to their new space.

Family and friends: Don’t want to spring for the boarding costs? You can choose a family member or friend that you trust to look after your pet until the move day is complete and they can enter their new home peacefully, ready to explore.

4. Collect your veterinary documents

If you’re moving, chances are you’re going to need a new vet. Pet emergencies happen and even if you’re moving locally, you want your furry family member to get the best care in the closest proximity to your home. Having your pet’s vital documents can come in handy for a number of reasons. Here are some documents you should keep close in hand:

  • Rabies certificate
  • Proof of ownership
  • Vaccine records
  • Emergency contact numbers (vets, poison control, emergency clinic, etc.)
  • Emotional support animal documents
  • Microchip confirmation

5. Let them explore their new home

Once the bustle of move-in day has died down and it’s just you and your family, let your pet free to explore their new home. It’s important that they get a feel for their new space and learn to navigate all the nooks and crannies. Dogs and other leashed pets should also be taken for walks around the new neighborhood as soon as possible. You want your leashed pets to get a feel for where “home” is so they can guide themselves back if they make a panicked escape.

Armstrong Relocation – Dallas has decades of experience moving families and their pets. With our industry insights, we can help make the move painless and stress-free for your animals. If you’re looking for a full-service relocation team that cares about keeping your family (furry or not) stress-free and ready to feel at home, talk to us. You can contact us online or over the phone 972.242.0511. We’re ready to help you from start to finish.

Building Trust. Reducing Stress. Delivering Reliability. Around the World.

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