
Moving Our Community Forward

Dan Dailey, President of Armstrong – San Antonio and his wife, Ashley, have made it their mission to give back to their River City community in more ways than one. The couple has been in the relocation industry for more than 30 years and has called San Antonio home for more than 20 years. In that time, they’ve raised children, worked hard to build careers they’re passionate about, and ultimately turned that same passion out into their community.

“It’s important to invest in your community as much as you take from it,” says Dan. “We want this city to be as successful as we are. We want the children who grow up in this city to take pride in it and grow up to give back as well.” Dan and Ashley volunteer with the Rotary Club of San Antonio to provide support to inner-city students who may be at risk of dropping out of school due to financial struggles. The scholarships the club provides are designed to reward and encourage good attendance and grades. Since 1996 the club has raised over $1 million for this purpose.

Dan and Ashley help give back to the community on an even larger scale as key fundraising members for the Valero Texas Open (VTO), a PGA tournament event that has raised a grand total of $155 million for charitable giving. This annual event is only the fourth PGA tour event to ever eclipse the $100 million milestone in funds raised for charity. Those funds are then given to more than 300 charities across the state of Texas to fund arts and education, veteran charities, medical assistance centers, child advocacy groups, homeless outreach programs, and so much more.

In a twist of fate, Dan was able to see someone close to home benefit directly from the work that the VTO does. “It was actually pretty incredible,” Dan says. “A man who has worked for me for quite some time fell on hard times when his wife gave birth to two little girls at just 23 weeks. They were facing a scary medical experience and one of the charities that benefit directly from the VTO stepped in and helped them through it. That man still works for me today and luckily his little girls are flourishing.”

Dan and Ashley believe that the work they do and the passion that drives them ties directly into Armstrong’s culture and seven DNA elements:.

Integrity: Do the right thing.

Attitude: Be positively passionate.

Value: Customers define it, we deliver it.

Relationships: Value them above all.

Communication: Listen, learn, and respond.

Generosity: Succeed and share.

Unity: We are stronger together.

“Doing this work in our community is built into our DNA as representatives of Armstrong. This is about generosity and the importance of giving both time and monetary resources,” Dan says. “Our community truly is stronger together and you never know the power of what one positive action will do. We should always be trying to build relationships and do the right thing. At Armstrong that doesn’t just mean during work hours.”

Dan says he and Ashley believe they get as much out of their experiences volunteering as they give. “Every year we visit a charity that VTO has helped fund. It feels good! It’s important that you’re seen in the marketplace as not only a business person but a person who cares for their community. In every aspect of volunteering and philanthropy that we do, there’s a driving hope to create positive change in San Antonio. Our hope with our rotary club is the same. We want to give back to kids in our inner-city schools so that one day they feel the same passion we do about this city and grow up to do the same. It’s a domino effect of positivity.”

Dan and Ashley are just two among many members of the Armstrong team that believe and invest in their community. To learn more about the charities that Dan and Ashley are involved in, follow the links below.

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Valero Texas Open 

Rotary Club of San Antonio